Community Service
Photo above: Me on the shores of Lamoine on the day of the Maine Coastal Cleanup in Sept. 2010. As a member of the Conservation Commission, I helped restore Lamoine as a participating member of the Maine Coastal Clean-Up.
I have been engaged with the community in Lamoine and Hancock County through environmental advocacy and the arts since I moved back to Maine in 2006 until the present. My most impactful project was helping to lead a citizen’s effort to challenge the appropriateness of a glampground resort in Lamoine.
Community Service & Engagement:
Clear Sky Acadia Opposition, community organizer (May - Sept 2023)
Led a grassroots initiative to protect the rural character and natural beauty of Lamoine, Maine through opposition of the Clear Sky Acadia resort leading to Frenchman Bay Conservancy purchasing the land for conservation and trails. We formed a group, Growing Lamoine Responsibly, to organize our work.Lamoine Conservation Commission, commissioner (June 2009 - Sept 2011)
Special achievements: Produced a Mini Groundwater Handbook, organized a four-panel educational discussion on groundwater, restored Lamoine as a participating member of the Maine Coastal Clean-Up in 2010Lamoine Community Arts, actor and playwright
Starred in “Trevor” on Friday & Saturday, Oct 28 & 29, 2016
My play, Annabel Eden, was performed with the Lamoine Community Arts in 2011 (Annabel Eden was also produced at Opera House Arts in Stonington, Maine and at Stone Soup Theatre in Seattle, WA.)The Grand in Ellsworth, vice president of the board (Sept 2014 - Oct 2018)
▪ Co-led nationwide search for an executive director
▪ Co-led organization in absence of executive director for six months
▪ Co-led a $200,000 campaign to replace video projector and speaker system
▪ Co-led revision of strategic plan, working with Maine Arts Commission and Starboard Leadership
▪ In collaboration with other board members and staff, created a new popular fundraising event that raised $20,000 in the first year and is still being utilized as an event fundraising tool in 2023
▪ Chaired Development Committee (Oct. 2016-Oct. 2018) and Interim Chair, Development Committee (Oct. 2014-May 2015)
▪ Elected as President in 2018; had to resign due to a serious family medical situation
▪ Grants written and awarded:
o Maine Arts Commission, organizational grant, $4,575 requested (Awarded: $1,800)
o Davis Family Foundation, facilities grant, $40,000 requested (Awarded: $40,000)
o Stephen King Foundation, projector speakers, $14,975 requested (Awarded $14,975)Leadership Hancock County (Dec 2017 - May 2018)
MDI Biological Laboratory, Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee, member (Jan 2020 - Dec 2023)
The Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee ensures that the highest animal welfare standards are maintained along with the conduct of accurate, valid scientific research through the supervision, coordination, training, guidance, and review of every project proposed to animal models at the MDI Biological Laboratory.Sierra Club Maine, environmental film coordinator (Jul 2014 - Sep 2018)
Coordinated a monthly environmental film and speaker series held at Reel PizzaCamden International Film Festival, venue coordinator (Sep 2014 - Sep 2015)
Food Coordinator for the Hope Festival at the University of Maine (a project of the Peace & Justice Center of Eastern Maine) (Jun 2011 - Jul 2013)
Procured healthy, organic food and drink donations from trendy Maine food suppliers for the purpose of aligning food options with the mission of the festival and allowing the festival organizers to produce revenue on food sales. Also coordinated with four food caterers to appear to provide a diversity meal options. Procured bamboo cutlery and paper products to avoid single use plastics. Bill McKibben, founder of 350.org, was the speaker one year.Blue Hill Food Cooperative, secretary to the board (Aug 2006 - Aug 2009)
Responsible for taking minutes for the board